Our Fast, Effective, and Validated mental health assessment, is now available for private practice clinicians.

SelfView is Fast, Efficient, and Accurate

Unlike uni-dimensional screeners like the PHQ and GAD and the tedious and expensive MMPI test, SelfView harnesses AI-based analytics to streamline mental health screening.  SelfView assesses 30 disorders comprehensively before your patient's in-office appointment. The assessment is intricately linked to DSM-5, ensuring a thorough evaluation of major diagnostic categories with rigorous validation for enhanced accuracy and reliability. Besides adults, SelfView is available from age 14 to 18 for children with parental written approval.  

Simple integration into your workflow

Patients can conveniently take the SelfView assessment before their appointment in their homes on any device, or in your waiting room on a tablet in about 10 minutes.  This ensures the SelfView report is available to you before their appointment to establish a baseline of your patient's mental health, and facilitate ongoing treatment.


For physicians and qualified healthcare professionals such as psychologists and LCSWs, the $12 cost of SelfView is more than covered by established CPT codes 96127, 96130, 90791, and 99214.

Codes 96130 and 90791 are 31-minute asynchronous codes for writing a report without the patient's presence. These codes pay an average reimbursement of $118 and $180, respectively. CPT 96127 is a code that pays about $15 when SelfView is used as a screener.

Plus, SelfView analytics can support a higher E&M code for an estimated 30% of your patients by adding a verifiable mental health component to patient status, enhancing practice revenue.

For psychologists and therapists, beyond the codes mentioned SelfView will save you time by targeting areas of patient concern, showing progress as therapy progresses, and perhaps extending therapy. Sharing a patient’s SelfView report will signal your commitment to using the newest analytics to demonstrate your commitment to treatment.

Rigorous validation

SelfView is widely accepted within the medical community and trusted by dozens of renowned medical centers to support research due to its proven track record of accuracy and reliability. It was validated against the SCID [Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders], considered the gold standard in psychiatric diagnosis. SelfView has been used for years in major medical centers to support research.

Referral sources

We vetted several referral sources that are available to your patients if your network is tied up. Please scroll down to learn more.


Physicians consistently praise SelfView, expressing their satisfaction and demonstrating broad acceptance:

"I could review the assessment scores/report without any problems." - 100% 'Strongly Agree.'

"Assisting clients with the assessment and tablet in the waiting room disrupted my workflow." - 100% 'Disagree' or 'Disagree Strongly.'

"Our primary care physicians have come to really rely on the high-quality reports produced by [SelfView]… it has helped us to capture co-morbid diagnoses that are easy for a busy primary care physician with a large practice to miss." - Dr. J. W., Lead Psychiatrist, Island Health Authority, British Columbia, Canada

Patient comments

"I was able to answer the questions on the tablet without any problems.” 93%  ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ 

"I prefer to answer questions about my symptoms..." On a tablet 50%; face to face 50%

"I think this self-assessment will help my clinician understand me better.“100% ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’

Unlock the power of SelfView and revolutionize how you monitor and complete the picture of your patients' well-being.

Treatment and Therapy Referrals

One very effective treatment option is Cognitive Behavior Therapy [CBT] developed by the Beck Institute to deliver fast and effective help for patients with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse issues. The Beck Institute is an advisor to PsycHealth and you can link to their directory of psychologists who have been trained in CBT by the Beck Institute. https://beckinstitute.org/