PsycHealth and ImPACT Applications, Inc. have teamed up to provide clinicians with complete concussion support for their patients.
Concussions can lead to co-morbid anxiety and depression ranging from 10.2% to 20.7% of concussion patients, but these mental health conditions are not diagnosed or treated.
From the study referenced below, “findings indicate that anxiety and depression need to be screened regularly after mild TBI. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that someone who initially presents without depression or anxiety will remain free of these as they negotiate life after injury.”
Reference: Depression and anxiety across the first four years after mild traumatic brain injury: findings from a community-based study. Cite Barker-Collo S, Theadom A, Jones K, Starkey N, Kahan M, Feigin V. Brain Inj. 2018;32 (13-14):1651-1658. doi 10.1080/02699052.2018.1540797. Epub 2018 Oct 29.
Combining both Impact Concussion testing and SelfView analytics lead to better patient care and enhanced CPT codes. Contact us for more information: